Many of you are probably acquainted with popular end-of-time scenarios that emphasize false prophets, global disasters, plagues, and dreadful battles. Such accounts are generally grim, but did you know that the prophecy in Isaiah 66:23 addresses the end of time with a hopeful expectation? Isaiah envisioned that one day all of humanity [who believe] will celebrate the Sabbath. Thus, the goal of Your Sabbath Invitation is for you to consider participating in fulfilling a vital end-of-time prophecy—right now—one that highlights the Sabbath.
Your Sabbath Invitation not only unpacks the origins of the Sabbath from its creation in the Book of Genesis, but it also equips you to deepen your relationship with God; helps you to soak in the Amplified Presence of God; introduces you to your partnership with God, and empowers you to decipher and interpret Scripture in a Hebraic way.